The Hidden Value of Video: How Filming Your Softball Games Can Make All the Difference
Nov 01, 2023
5 min Read
By Tyler Schuster
Filming games is a regular occurrence for some sports. But softball teams often face challenges when it comes to filming their games like smaller staff, multiple games each week or inconsistent recording locations.
Although it can sometimes feel daunting, difficult to execute or just an extra step on game day, filming your games is the one true way to analyze the performance of your players and showcase coachable moments.
In this blog post, we’ll detail the importance of video analysis and explain how it can make all the difference in the success of your players and program.
Best way to record softball games
Before we dive into the what and why of recording your softball games, it’s important to acknowledge how. Simply put: The best way to record your softball games is with the new Hudl Focus Point softball camera.
Automatically Capture and Upload to Hudl
The Hudl Focus Point camera makes it easy to automatically capture and upload to Hudl, eliminating the need for a cameraperson. Hudl Focus Point automatically records game and practice video based on your team’s Hudl schedule and uploads it right to your Hudl account. It’s the only camera system with full Hudl integration, saving your program both time and money.
Easier Pre and Postgame Workflows
No more setting up or tearing down camera equipment. The fixed camera is always mounted and ready to use, either pre-scheduled through your Hudl account or on the fly in the Hudl Focus app.
High-Quality Film
Hudl Focus Point eliminates human error and pain points by capturing film that’s easy to view. Get a consistent, high-quality panoramic shot of the action to stream and analyze.
Stream Your Games to Fans
With this capture solution, you can stream directly to Hudl TV for a completely hands-free experience.
Manage Everything From Your Phone
The Hudl Focus app makes it simple to control the camera. You can film what you need when you need it. Anyone with access to the app can control the camera, saving you time and improving efficiency.
What Is Video Analysis?
At its simplest, video analysis is the use of video to watch and analyze the performance of your players and opponents and can help you make better decisions in the future.
Plays happen in the blink of an eye. But with the help of video, you can quickly recall important moments and make adjustments before the next game. Instead of telling your hitters they’re dropping the bat, now you can show them. Then you can work with them in practice on keeping the bat up in hopes that it’ll translate to better outcomes during the next game.
While an abundance of data is available today, video allows you to see the details that a stat sheet misses–the approaches, mechanics, and positioning–allowing you to truly take your game-planning capabilities to the next level.
What Are the Benefits of Video Analysis?
There are many benefits to video analysis, and communication is at the top of that list. In a digital landscape, athletes now more than ever are on their phones watching videos.
Using video as a communication vehicle is a great way to showcase coachable moments and teach players how they want to learn.
Giving a player feedback is one thing, but pairing that feedback with video clips takes your coaching abilities one step further. With video, you can point out how your shortstop needs to position themselves two steps further to the left or how your hitters need to try and hit the ball to the opposite field on outside pitches.
The eye in the sky doesn’t lie rings true when it comes to video analysis. Instead of relying on memory or how you perceive a moment happening, you can instead reference the film to get an objective view of the action.
For athletes, video provides a level of objectivity that can go beyond what their coach says. You can quickly gain athletes' buy-in when they can see what adjustments need to be made (not just hear about them).
How Should You Use Video Analysis?
Coachable Moments
Giving feedback and instruction to your players is a critical aspect of being a great softball coach. When you record your games and analyze performances, it makes it much easier to showcase coachable moments and help your players improve faster.
For example, instead of telling your outfielders they’re slow to break on fly balls, you can show them, work on breaks in practice and hopefully see improvements as the season progresses.
Athlete Ownership
With access to video, athletes can take greater ownership in their growth and development. This also allows athletes to share suggestions for improvement to their coaches and teammates (after reviewing film).
Understanding what your team does well is just as important as identifying the areas where they need to improve. Using film and stats from Hudl Assist to self-scout takes the guesswork out of the film and saves you time.
During the self-scouting process, you might discover that your pitchers are throwing too many strikes when in an 0-2 count. You can then instruct your pitchers to try and bait hitters with pitches off the plate, in hopes of increasing your strikeout rate.
Player Exposure
Film is a great starting point for helping players get to the next level. Create highlight reels to share with recruiters, along with players' biggest fans–their family and friends.
Now that you understand the importance of video analysis for softball, it’s time to start filming your games and analyzing the film. When you do, you’ll discover a new way to coach, prepare for and see the game.